GEWEX E-News Update - 2 March 2016
Published: Wed, 03/02/16
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs | Data Sets AnnouncementsWorkshop on a New North American Regional Hydroclimate ProjectThe hydrological,…
Calls for papers, job openings, data set releases, and other news for the GEWEX community of researchers studying the global water and energy cycles
Published: Wed, 03/02/16
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs | Data Sets AnnouncementsWorkshop on a New North American Regional Hydroclimate ProjectThe hydrological,…
Published: Tue, 01/12/16
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs & Academic Opportunities Announcements8th EGU Leonardo Conference - "From Evaporation to Precipitation: The…
Published: Tue, 12/15/15
Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season from the staff of the International GEWEX Project Office! Warm regards,Peter, Dawn, Shannon, Bob, and…
Published: Mon, 12/14/15
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs | Data Sets AnnouncementsNominations Open for 7th Award of International Water PrizeNomination Deadline: 31…
Published: Tue, 12/08/15
Call for Observation Data Sets for Inclusion in Obs4MIPs Recommendation Deadline: 31 March 2016Submission Website:…
Published: Tue, 12/01/15
The International Science Conference on MAHASRI The International Conference on MAHASRI (Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and…
Published: Tue, 11/17/15
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs | Data Sets Announcements Inside the Latest Issue of GEWEX NewsGEWEX PROES, the new GEWEX Process Evaluation…
Published: Wed, 09/30/15
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs Follow: AnnouncementsJoint GASS/WWRP/THORPEX MJO Task Force Paper on MJO Highlighted in EOSThe GEWEX…
Published: Fri, 08/14/15
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs AnnouncementsOver the past week we changed our email system. It is possible your emails to gewe @gewe .org…
Published: Fri, 07/24/15
Announcements | Calls for Papers | Jobs AnnouncementsWCRP/WWRP International Prize for Model Development 2015Nomination Deadline: 1 October 2015As the…