The 15th Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists, ACCESS XV, will be convened at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, NY, from 25-28 July 2019. The purpose of ACCESS is to bring together young researchers in atmospheric chemistry and representatives of the principal federal government agencies that fund atmospheric chemistry research to engage in scientific discussion and interaction. To be
eligible to participate, an applicant must have received a doctorate degree from an accredited university after May 1, 2017 or his/her main thesis advisor must certify that in all probability the applicant will receive a doctorate by August 31, 2020. Only 25 applicants will be selected to participate. Applications and all supporting materials must be received by April 1, 2019. For more information, visit
Call for Proposals to Support Africa-Led Climate Science Research
A call for proposals for the Climate Research for Development (CR4D) in Africa initiative has been issued by the Economic Commission for Africa and its partners in a multi-million dollar project that seeks to support Africa-led climate science research through the CR4D in Africa initiative.
CR4D will award 1-year research grants to 15 African climate researchers of up to 130,000 USD. Through the AAS Rising Research Leaders program, grantees will be supported to develop as independent research leaders through training, mentoring, and networking opportunities that will enable international collaborations. Candidates must be hosted by or affiliated with a university, research institute, or other eligible institution of higher education in Africa. They
must hold a Ph.D. in climate or related sciences and/or have a proven track record of high-quality, impactful research in a relevant field. For more information, visit£15m-conduct-research-impacts-climate-change-africa.
Dates: 25 February - 1 March 2019
Location: Berlin, Germany
UCP2019, as part of the WCRP Grand Science Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity and the German National Project High-Resolution Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction (HD(CP)²), will bring together leading scientists from the observational and modeling communities working on these topics to present their latest findings, and coordinate future activities to advance understanding of the role of
clouds and precipitation in the climate system.
Dates: 25 February - 1 March 2019
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
The 31st Session of the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group will take place from 25 February to 1 March 2019 at the headquarters of the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. During the meeting, the progress of the four GEWEX Panels will be reviewed, and changes in the WCRP program will be discussed. More details on the agenda will be posted at
Dates: 7-12 April 2019
Location: Vienna, Austria
Sessions relevant to GEWEX science are listed below. If you know of or are involved in a session that you’d like to have included, please email us at
Dates: 13-17 May 2019
Location: Milan, Italy
This symposium focuses on how Earth Observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth Observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.
Dates: 28 July-2 August 2019
Location: Singapore
Abstract Submission Deadline: 12 February 2019
The 16th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society takes place in late July to early August this year in Singapore, providing a unique opportunity to exchange scientific knowledge and discuss important geo-scientific issues among academia, research institutions, and the public. Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session:
This session invites contributions dealing with advances in issues to improve the understanding of the interactions of the Asian monsoon, glaciers, and the Tibetan plateau in terms of water and energy exchanges in order to assess and understand the causes of changes in the cryosphere and the hydrosphere in relation to changes of plateau atmosphere in the Asian monsoon system, to predict possible changes in water resources, and to explore the pattern and mechanisms of environment change on
Tibetan Plateau and surroundings regarding the human dimension of the changing environments in the Third Pole Environment.
IUGG General Assembly
Dates: 8-18 July 2019
Location: Montreal, Canada
Abstract Submission Deadline: 18 February 2019
A session relevant to GEWEX science is listed below. If you know of or are involved in a session that you’d like to have included, please email us at
- Geodesy for Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Climate Research
Session JG04
The session aims at bringing together geodesists using different observation techniques (GRACE, GNSS, altimetry,…) with climate scientists and modelers. It is jointly organized by the IUGG associations IAG (geodesy), IAMAS (atmosphere), IACS (cryosphere), and IAPSO (ocean).
Dates: 15-17 July 2019
Location: Montreal, Canada
Registration Deadline: 17 May 2019
The aim of the International Surface Working Group (ISWG) is to gather requirements specific to surface observations to enhance both our understanding and ability to monitor the components of the Earth system including land, vegetation, snow, ice, and coastal and open waters. The themes of the meeting are:
- Use of Earth Observation (EO)-data for cryosphere and biosphere modeling
- Use of EO data for parameter optimization
- Land Data Assimilation Systems (LDASs)
- Radiative transfer and emissivity/reflectivity model development
- Retrievals of surface parameters
- Other relevant topics
Dates: 22 July-2 August 2019
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Application Period: 1 February-24 March 2019
The main objective of this Advanced School is to promote the gathering of reference researchers in the area of atmospheric aerosols, both Brazilian and foreign, with the best young researchers from different parts of the world. The SPSAS on Atmospheric Aerosols will offer theoretical classes, practical experimental activities, poster sessions and visits to research institutions. In all, there will be 82 hours of activities in 12 days. Participants will be
exposed to the state-of-the-art of scientific knowledge in five major subject areas:
- Aerosol properties and measurements
- Anthropogenic aerosols and their effects on health
- Aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction
- Remote sensing of aerosols
- Aerosols perturbations on climate, and modeling of their effects
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Environment and Climate Change Canada
Application Deadline: 28 February 2019
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow is sought to undertake research on the analysis of precipitation and other climate data in the Climate Research Division (CRD) of Environment and Climate Change Canada. Research will be performed under the supervision of Dr. Xiaolan Wang. Specific objectives of the position will include research on (1) integrating/blending in situ data with satellite precipitation estimates to generate robust, representative gridded precipitation
datasets on various time scales (monthly, pentad, daily) for Canada; (2) analyzing the resulting datasets to characterize Canada’s precipitation climate and changes therein and (3) using them to downscale climate model projections of precipitation.
Director of the Science Program at IAI
Application Deadline: 30 March 2019
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) is recruiting a Director to manage the IAI’s science program and activities. This Directorship is an executive position that reports directly to IAI’s Executive Director, with responsibility for implementation of the current IAI research agenda focused on global change.
Qualified candidates are invited to apply by sending by email a cover letter with three references and a curriculum vitae to Ms. Soledad Noya ( Please include the vacancy title in the subject line of the email and indicate how you learned of this opening in the text of the message.