AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Submission Deadline: 31 July 2019
Dates: 9-13 December 2019
Location: San Francisco, Ca, USA
AGU marks its Centennial in 2019, and returns to San Francisco, the home of the AGU Fall Meeting for more than 40 years. In addition, 2019 is the year WCRP is celebrating its 40th year of international climate science, featuring Climate Science Week at this major event
As the largest gathering of Earth and space scientists in the world, there are many sessions relevant to GEWEX science. Some of them are listed and highlighted below.
As part of the Climate Science Week,
- Advancing our Collective Understanding of the Integrated Climate System, including its Variability, Change, Dynamics, Reservoirs and Flows.
- Improving Skill and Reducing Uncertainties in the Prediction of Climate Systems Operating on Timescales of Months to Decades.
- Determining the Future Evolution of the Climate System, through the Quantification of Responses, Feedbacks, Emergent constraints and Uncertainties that are Intrinsic to a Changing Climate System on Long Timescales.
- Bridging Science and Society to Ensure the Timely Delivery of Decision -relevant Information and Knowledge about the Evolving Climate System
Section: Atmospheric Sciences
A068 - Extreme precipitation in past, present and future climates
Contributions that investigate precipitation extremes and their impacts under past, present and future climate conditions are invited. This includes studies that aim to understand individual events, the spatial and temporal variability in the occurrence of precipitation extremes, predictability, and long term changes, based on observational data and climate models including atmospheric models at very high resolution.
A107 - Observing the Boundary Layer from Space
In this session presentations on studies that utilize space-based observations of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) in the context of weather, air quality and climate are welcome. In addition, presentations on future PBL observational systems from space, including ground/air-based developments that could be relevant to future mission concepts, are encouraged.
A109 - Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation and Application
The session invites contributions on new developments, evaluation and intercomparison (especially against independent observations) as well as applications of reanalyses. Contributions from all types of reanalyses, including but not limited to global, regional, atmospheric, ocean, land and coupled reanalysis systems are welcome.
A112 - Regional climate: modeling, analysis, and impacts
This session focuses on the state of the art in modeling and analysis of regional climate and regional climate impacts on subseasonal-to-multidecadal timescales. Contributions are solicited on coordinated modeling experiments such as CORDEX; novel approaches for model evaluation and analysis, especially process-oriented analysis of climate extremes in observations and simulations; new developments such as coupled earth system modeling at regional scales and convection permitting simulations;
ensemble methods and uncertainty analyses; and assessing the added value of regional modeling.
A126 - The Hydro-climate of the Andes: Current Understanding and Future Challenges
This session aims to review the current understanding of the Andean hydro-climate and discuss pressing research challenges, instrumentation and monitoring needs, and human capacity building. Submissions are welcome from local to continental scales, and from diurnal to interdecadal timescales, with special emphasis on emerging new topics including water and energy budgets, high impact events, precipitation hotspots, climate change and deforestation impacts, climate-vegetation interactions and
cryosphere studies, among others.
A139 - Weather and Climate Modeling Across Scales: From Global to Convection-Permitting
This session seeks contributions regarding the development or application of high-resolution simulations and multi-scale techniques for investigating weather and climate, such as the impact of climate change on processes at local scales (e.g., precipitation, hydrology, and ecosystems) and teleconnections across scales. Abstracts containing research related to variable resolution, non-hydrostatic modeling, convective permitting modeling or multiscale modeling framework techniques are
GC008 - Assessment of Hydroclimatic Variability and Change in CMIP6 Climate Models
The session will cover a range of water cycle-related topics involving the spatial and temporal variations of temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and runoff, as simulated in CMIP6 models and observations. Specific topics include, but are not limited to, 1) trends of extreme precipitation and flooding, 2) evapotranspiration demand and droughts; 3) model evaluation using the latest techniques and data; 4) assessment of uncertainties in regional climate and hydrological
regimes, e.g. the warming hole, and 5) effects of decadal-to-multidecadal Pacific and Atlantic climate variability on regional hydroclimate.
GC027 - Earth’s energy imbalance and energy flows through the climate system
To further our understanding of climate variability and change contributions are encouraged from all relevant disciplines, exploiting in-situ measurements, reanalysis, climate modeling, and remote sensing techniques. Of particular interest are: discussions of uncertainty in heat storage estimates; characterization of the spatio-temporal variability of EEI and internal energy exchanges; processes perturbing energy budgets and energy flows through the climate system.
GC029 - Humans in the Earth System
This session is looking for contributions from interdisciplinary modeling and observation groups linking physical and social systems sciences for the rigorous quantification of feedbacks and attribution of human activity on the coupled biogeochemical and physical Earth system. Contributions from Earth System Modeling and Integrated Assessment Modeling groups on analysis of coupled climate, land use, and societal dynamics in CMIP6 projections are encouraged.
GC082 - The Third Pole Environment (TPE) under Global Changes
This session is dedicated to studies of Pan Third Pole atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere and their interactions with global change. Related contributions are welcomed.
GC088 - Understanding and predictions of sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) land-induced forcing and atmosphere interactions on droughts/floods and heatwaves
This session welcomes contributions on improving understanding of sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) variability and prediction of heatwaves and precipitation, especially droughts and floods, through land-induced forcing/atmosphere interactions. Topics include local and remote effects of land surface/subsurface temperature, snow, snow darkening by light-absorbing particles in snow, vegetation, and soil moisture on S2S prediction, as well as mechanisms of dynamic and physical processes and
hydroclimate feedback.
Section: Hydrology
H037 - Continental Scale Modeling: Process Heterogeneity from Summit to Sea
The National Water Model (NWM) will include capabilities for forecasting the full suite of water budget variables from local to continental scales, providing insight into inland and coastal flooding, droughts, waterborne navigation, emergency response, water quality and water supply. Continental-scale hydrologic prediction represents a new frontier at the nexus of coupled atmospheric, hydrologic and coastal models, with important connections to subsurface processes, remote sensing, data
assimilation, anthropogenic effects, big data, decision support, calibration and parameter estimation, machine learning, model testing and evaluation. This session seeks presentations or posters on any of these topics, with a particular focus on facilitation of collaborations and enhancing community involvement.
H092 - Long-Term Climate Modeling and Hydrological Projection
This session is to provide a forum for communicating recent progress in the field of long-term climate modeling and hydrological projection. Contributions of (1) coupled models for long-term hydro-climate simulation; (2) hydrologic impacts based on long-term climate projections, as driven by GCMs, RCMs, and statistical downscaling models; (3) adaptation of climate-change impacts on hydrological cycle, associated with the analyses of their socio-economic and environmental effects; (4) reflection
of uncertainties in long-term climate modeling and hydrological projection, as well as the relevant efforts for adaptation planning are encouraged.
H134 - The Role of Soil Moisture in Land–Atmosphere Interactions
This session invites studies employing novel observational or modeling frameworks to highlight variations in the strength of coupled land-atmosphere processes and feedbacks in which soil moisture plays a key role. Studies integrating regional to large-scale networks, field campaign data, or satellite products are of particular interest.
H013 - Advances in quantifying impacts and extents of land-use/land-cover change on hydrology.
H026 - Applications of Hydrologic Data Assimilation
H098 - Modeling hydrological processes and changes under a changing environment
H100 - Multi-source Remote Sensing of Rivers, Lakes, Reservoirs and Wetlands
H115 - Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Terrestrial Water Cycle
H123 - Space-based Precipitation Observations, Estimation and Applications: a Centennial Perspective
H128 - Groundwater – Climate Interactions
Section: Informatics
IN035 - Making Data Uncertainty Information FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable
This session seeks to discover solutions (from conceptual prototype to operational) that intend to make uncertainty information for all varieties of Earth science data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable. Following these principles, we are targeting open-source solutions and of varying types, such as: web tools/services, documented practices/policies, metadata standards, data recipes, software packages, community repositories/hubs, cloud-based analytics, etc.
Formulating Interdisciplinary Science Questions.
Dates: 8 December 2019 from 12:00 - 17:00
Location: TBD, San Francisco (Ca), USA
Abstract Submission Deadline: 19 July 2019
Registration Deadline: 1 August 2019
ISMC has organized a workshop for young soil modelers at PostDoc level (0-7yrs past PhD) to discuss how you address recent soil research challenges through ongoing research projects the Sunday before AGU 2019 . Contributions from the fields but not limited to biogeoscience, climate, hydrological and critical zone science are welcome. After a short introduction, participants dissolve in groups of 4-5 people to identify and work on specific questions. With the
skills and experience brought to the table, we identify common ground and shape a roadmap for solving state-of-the-art research questions. Participants will leave with a common understanding of research agendas and a path forward to develop a joint white paper. The workshop nurtures future soil research talents through stimulating international collaboration beyond projects.
Event aim:
- Networking and experience exchange in a dynamic atmosphere
- Cross-fertilization of research projects
- Identify the most urgent gaps
- and research questions at the intersection of climate-land-biology
- AGU Preparation & follow-up activities
An overview of Calls for Paper can be found on GEWEX.org
Dates: 1-3 October 2019
Location: NCAR, Boulder (Co), USA
Abstract Submission Deadline: 19 July 2019
Registration Deadline: 27 September 2019
The Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop is aiming to develop new strategies for applying isotope ratios towards understanding and predicting the water cycle’s role in climate variability and change. Workshop topics are likely to include (but are not limited to):
- Performing paleoclimate data model comparisons for water-isotope based proxy systems, including paleoclimate data assimilation schema.
- Improving observational networks for water isotopes in the ocean, biosphere and atmosphere.
- Challenges and advantages of incorporating stable water isotope physics in GCMs.
Dates: 12-16 January 2020
Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston (MA), USA
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 August 2019
34th Conference on Hydrology
Session Title: Land-Atmosphere and Land-Ocean Interactions
Session ID:51854
Session Description:
Land-atmosphere and land-ocean interactions play a key role in climate variability and climate/weather predictability across space and time. This session focuses on (1) interfaces between climate, ecosystems, and the land branches of the energy, water, and carbon cycles and the impact of associated land processes, including land-use/land-cover change, on climate variability and change as well as on extreme events (such as droughts and flooding); (2) dynamic, physical, and biogeochemical
mechanisms by which the land surface (e.g., soil moisture and temperature, albedo, snow, and vegetation) influences surface water, carbon, and energy balances, atmospheric and ocean processes, and climate; (3) predictability associated with land-surface/atmosphere/ocean interactions and land initialization (such as soil moisture, soil temperature, snow, aerosol in snow, etc.) at sub-seasonal to seasonal, to decadal time scales; and (4) application and analyses of large scale field data and
observational networks (such as FLUXNET), satellite remote sensing, and reanalyses data for land model development and land/atmosphere/ocean interaction studies.
Dates: 8-9 October 2019
Location: State Hydrological Institute (SHI), St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 August 2019
The workshop aims to bring together scientists to overcome the barriers in hydrological studies, including monitoring, modelling and forecasting. Both water quantity and quality issues will be discussed.
- to review recent scientific contributions to assess past, current and future changes of the water cycle,
- to share the experience of hydrological and hydrochemical monitoring, using different tools and approaches,
- to review recent developments in hydrological modelling in the Baltic Sea basin and neighboring domains, and
- to discuss water quality issues and waste water treatment projects in the Baltic Sea basin.
To advertise Career and Training Opportunities, please send us an email.
Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed until both positions are filled
The University of Arizona’s Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences is seeking two full-time postdoctoral researchers in the field of Earth system modeling. One position will focus on global atmospheric processes; e.g., aerosol-cloud-meteorology interactions, dynamics-physics (cloud microphysics, shallow convection, and atmospheric boundary layer) coupling, and subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasting improvement. The other will focus on land processes; e.g., hybrid 3-D
hydrological modeling for Earth system models, the role of soil moisture and temperature as well as vegetation in land-atmosphere interaction, and land model improvement (including snowpack modeling).
Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed until position is filled
The Earth System Science Department at UC Irvine is looking for an ambitious postdoctoral research associate or project scientist interested in using a new refined- resolution variant of cloud superparameterization (i.e. “ultraparameterization”; see Parishani et al., JAMES, 2017,2018) to investigate the physics of global cloud response to aerosol loading and surface warming.
Application Deadline: 20 July 2019
Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) is looking for reviewer of the 1st MedECC Assessment Report (MAR1) on current state and risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean.
Application Deadline: 17 July 2019
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research ( www.scar.org) is excited to be collaborating with the World Meteorological Organisation on a new fellowship opportunity for researchers in countries with developing economies.
Application Deadline: 26 July 2019
- Director, Infrastructure Department, vacancy number: 2046
- Director, Service Department, vacancy number: 2047
- Director, Governance Services Department, vacancy number: 2048
- Director, Science and Innovations Department, vacancy number: 2049
- Director, Member Services and Development Department, vacancy number: 2050
- Director, Cabinet, vacancy number: 2051
- Director, Public-Private Engagement, vacancy number: 2052
Location: The Cyprus Institute (CYI),
The Energy, Environment and Water Research Center, Cyprus
Application Deadline: 29 July 2019
The CyI invites applications for a Research Assistant for the operation of CAO and the operation and Quality Assurance of the PROTEAS’ BSRN station on a full-time basis.
Date: 8-13 September 2019
Location: Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center,
(NERSC) St Petersburg, Russia
Application Deadline: 1 August 2019
The aim of this research school is to provide students with an overview of state-of the-art research in the Arctic from observations through process understanding and model development to application.
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