The most recent edition of the GEWEX Quarterly is now available, and features articles on: - celebrating the first GEWEX Ambassadors, Mike Ek and Claudia Stubenrauch
- a tribute to Zheenbek Kulenbekov, a central figure in GEWEX efforts to create initiatives in Central
- the WCRP Academy LHA, which is devising ways to connect users to climate science training, with an invitation to the GEWEX community to help
- Assessing Baltic Earth's assessment reports: examining the evolution of GEWEX RHP Baltic Earth’s publications on climate change in the Baltic Sea region
- the 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting, where
attendees reviewed and promoted the understanding and modeling of atmospheric processes
- the APCP meeting, where discussions took place on progress towards comprehending the role of aerosol perturbations on clouds and precipitation
- highlights from the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group meetings (SSG-34A and 34-B)
- Global Water Futures (GWF), which accounted for scientific and human aspects in its approach to
water science for changing cold regions at its GWF2022 meeting
Revisit our trio of events held in July by watching this video from attendee Yike Xu, who documented the 3rd Pan-GASS, 2022 Pan-GEWEX, and GEWEX Scientific Steering Group (SSG)-34B meetings in Monterey, California, USA. From familiar faces to new and exciting science, see what the week of events held in store for participants. Pictures
from the 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting are expected to be available on the meeting website in mid-October.
The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community is welcoming input from researchers of all career stages and sectors working on topics related to Earth system science on a survey on data-intensive climate science activities. A group of YESS members recently published a commentary article on the struggle of ECRs to find a balance between data intensive and
foundational climate science activities in AGU Advances ( https://doi.org/10.1029/2022AV000676). The aim of this article is to start a community-wide discussion on this challenge through the following survey: https://forms.gle/hbWgwKjbiytCdJ9X6. This short
survey is open until 15 October 2022.
Application Deadline: 15 November 2022 The Global Climate Observing Programme (GCOS) is looking for experts to join two of its panels: the Atmospheric Observations Panel for Climate (AOPC), and the Ocean Observations Physics and Climate Panel (OOPC). You can find more details
about the two calls on the GCOS webpage.
An overview of Calls for Papers can be found on GEWEX.org.
Dates: 27–29 March 2023 Location: Lleida, Spain Abstract Submission Deadline: 13 January 2023 The main objective of the GEWEX-supported Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid Environment (LIAISE) project is to improve the understanding of land-atmosphere-hydrology interactions in a
semi-arid region characterized by strong surface heterogeneity owing to contrasts between the natural landscape and intensive agriculture. This conference invites contributions on topics that include: - Modeling studies aimed at including anthropogenic processes (land surface, meteorological, or hydrological) within or including the LIAISE area addressing the main project objectives
- Studies using observational data from the LIAISE field campaign
- Applications using remote sensing data (from planes, drones, or satellites) to estimate irrigation requirements or evapotranspiration over the region
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2023 This special issue aims to improve the knowledge of Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) through the publication of groundbreaking papers that focus on innovative and original approaches to research; an example is an evaluation of the effects of AR-forced rainfall on small–medium-sized hydrological basins.
Submitted articles may address, but are not limited to, the following scientific topics: - Impact of ARs on heavy rainfall, heavy snowfall and associated floods over the midlatitude areas
- Changes in the hydrological response of complex terrain due to ARs
- A special focus on the Mediterranean basin: the features, occurrence, seasonality, and effects of ARs in this complex domain
- AR-related storms in the contest of climate change
- ARs as a key
operational product for nowcasting applications and flood risk management.
Date: 23 October 2022 Location: Kigali, Rwanda The GEWEX-YESS-YHS Early Career Researcher Workshop, a side event of the AARSE2022 conference, will take place on 23 October 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda. More information about AARSE2022 can be found here.
Dates: October 31–November 4 2022 Location: Reading, UK The WCRP Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) is organizing a hybrid workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models. The workshop will review recent progress made on the atmospheric systematic error priorities identified from the 5th Workshop
on Systematic Errors, while also expanding focus to coupled systems. The workshop will be broadly organized around the following themes: - Clouds and precipitation
- Atmosphere-land-ocean-cryosphere interactions
- (Sub-)tropical circulations
- Stratosphere-Troposphere interactions
- Machine learning/AI and data assimilation
- Quantifying uncertainty
- Challenges and surprises in simulating the climate system
To advertise a career or training opportunity, please send us an email.
Location: Seattle, WA, USA Application Deadline: October 14, 2022 The Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington is seeking two Postdoctoral Scholar positions focused on understanding aerosol-cloud interactions in mixed phase clouds. The position will focus on (a) extending a numerical model of aerosol
processing in liquid clouds to include ice phase processes and studying the impact of cloud-aerosol interactions on mixed-phase clouds during marine cold air outbreaks; (b) conducting observational analyses with ground-based and airborne measurements to study factors controlling the development of precipitation in marine cold air outbreaks, including interactions between aerosols, clouds, and turbulence.
Location: Livermore, CA, USA Application Deadline: None specified Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher to work in the area of cloud feedbacks with the goal of reducing the uncertainty in model predictions of future climate. Research topics may include but are not limited to
understanding the role of clouds in Earth’s energy imbalance, evaluating climate model representation of the processes governing cloud responses on a variety of timescales, and developing observational constraints on cloud feedbacks. This position is with LLNL’s PCMDI project ( pcmdi.llnl.gov) and will sit in the Climate Sensitivity and Impacts Group in the Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division.
Location: Stuttgart, Germany Application Deadline: None specified The University of Hohenheim seeks a Ph.D. student to develop an advanced CO2 remote sensing system based on the Raman lidar technique. The successful candidate's tasks will include assimilating CO2 and thermodynamic profiles in Earth system models.
Location: Tallahassee, FL, USA Application Deadline: None specified The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science (EOAS) at the Florida State University (FSU) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of Radar and Mesoscale/Synoptic Meteorology. The ideal candidate will have a strong
background in radar meteorology and will use radars to address fundamental research questions on the physics and/or dynamics of Mesoscale/Synoptic Meteorology and their interactions with larger and/or smaller scale phenomena.
Application Deadline: Open until filled The Department of Agricultural Sciences located within Clemson’s University’s College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences (CAFLS) is seeking to fill a 12-month tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level with a specialization in Water Resource Economics. The preferred
candidate will have strong training in non-market water valuation techniques, agricultural consumptive use valuation techniques, and the economics of agricultural versus non-agricultural water use tradeoffs. The successful candidate will develop a nationally recognized, innovative, and externally funded research program in water resource economics.
Application Deadline: None specified
The Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona (UA) is seeking 3 motivated postdoctoral scholars in hydrology and atmospheric sciences. As part of the effort, the successful candidates will work with a team of investigators from the University of Arizona, other universities, and/or federal agencies to improve hydrologic models and forecasting, as well as the coupling of land surface and atmospheric models to support Earth System Predictions.